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To apply:


Please answer the following questions completely and in the order listed below in order to have your project considered. If you have any questions, please contact the Grants Manager for help. We look forward to working with you. Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted.


Cover page must provide (in this numbered order):

1. Date of application.

2. Name of Contact person.

3. Mailing address, E-mail address and telephone number of contact person.

4. Name of Church/Organization, acting as a fiscal agent (the church or religious organization which will receive the check; see required additional document below).

5. Project Title.

6. Amount of funds requested from USSS

7. Describe how the finished product or project will be accessible to others.


Description of Project (Briefly respond to each of the following):

8. Outline of type of project, goals and philosophy.

9. State the need the project is designed to fill.

10. Indicate age levels or specific groups the project will serve.

11. Include sample lesson plans, chapter titles, page from manuscript, etc., no more than 20 pages.

12. Description of final project (e.g. bound volume, CD, downloadable website, mode of delivery, free or anticipated cost).

13. Describe the qualifications of the person(s) or group(s) to undertake the project.

14. Describe how the proposal honors our commitments to anti-racism, anti-oppression & multiculturalism, people and groups marginalized groups by race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ability.


A complete budget indicating all sources of funding:

15. Provide a description of budget items.

16. Chart an action plan with time for project completion.

17. List other financial resources from whom you are seeking funding and the amounts requested (e.g. District Chalice Lighter, UUA funds, local congregation). Be specific.

18. Indicate the minimum grant that would enable the completion of the project, and the date the grant would be needed.


Required additional Document:

The USSS requires a letter from the acting fiscal agent confirming support for the project and agreement to act as fiscal agent for the project.

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