Grants FAQ
What is the deadline for applications?
Completed applications are reviewed two (2) times during the year and must be received electronically (unless special permission is granted) by one of the following dates to be reviewed at the board’s next meeting:
· November 1 · February 1
Is there a maximum grant?
The USSS funding capacity for individual grants generally will not exceed $3,000 per year.
Is there anything USSS generally does NOT fund?
The USSS does not generally fund:
· Equipment
· Scholarships for individuals
· Site-specific programs
· Costs associated with attending conferences or travel
Does USSS expect applicants to apply for funding from other sources?
Yes. We expect applicants to demonstrate effort seeking additional funding.
How can I tell if my application is complete?
Please use the Checklist tab in this section to review the completeness of your application. Incomplete applications will be returned.
What makes a strong application?
These are some of the things we are looking for:
innovation (e.g., there are many story resources that already exist)
an anti-oppression lens (did you network? Where are you already strong and where are you including the communities who need to review this work while in development?
completeness (did you include a sample lesson plan/chapter? Full financial information?)
If my project is funded, what are my obligations to USSS?
Funded Projects must contain an acknowledgement crediting funding support from the Unitarian Sunday School Society.
Proof of completion of project must be provided within 30 days via electronic link to: USSS Grants Manager All links will be posted on the USSS website.