Checklist for Applicants
This is the checklist we use at USSS for each grant proposal we review.
Are name of Project and Author included?
Does author demonstrate expertise in area?
Is application complete?
Is type of project appropriate to what USSS currently funds?
Are goals and philosophy clear ?
Does project fill a need within UU RE and is it aligned with UU principles and sources?
Is age level/group specified?
Are amount of funds requested- appropriate?
Sample Lesson Plans – are they detailed, usable, and UU specific?
Is the project time line and completion date reasonable?
Is there a description of what final project will look like/ and how it can be accessed?
Is there a budget and a description of budget?
Are there any copyright issues?
Is there past track record or history with author?
How far-reaching is this project? Can it be utilized by a relatively large audience, ie: beyond one particular congregation?
What communities is this content applicable for?
Is the proposal clear about collaborations and scheduling limitations?
Does the proposal honor our commitments to anti-racism, anti-oppression & multiculturalism, people and groups marginalized groups by race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ability ?
Inclusive of multi-generational communities ?
Is content is consistent with learning goals?